Abbs really pays attention to detail. Not only did she make me a dress. Yes, I said made me a dress from a vintage fabric, but she bought me matching pink and purple earrings and a J-Crew cardigan to go with. A whole outfit, I am surprised she didn't buy me some shoes too :). I love her, she gets me and I get her. Sometimes when we talk I don't even have to finish sentences because she already knows what I am going to say. Way cool! Everyone always asked us if we were sisters when we would go to gym classes in Mobile, Al. I guess they knew something we didn't. Hmm... a sister from another mister maybe!?! Mom, do you have something to tell me?
But no, the gift doesn't stop there she even got Spike (nickname Cha has given the baby, Spike Hammer Bush, don't ask~) a little romper with a turtle that says "Happy Turtle North Shore Hawaii". AHHHH! I absolutely adore turtles and green/blue are my favorite colors, this is the best unisex romper I have seen yet. Love it! By the way, not sure you noticed the TV behind me has Formula One on, guess you know who took the pics.
And it keeps going... Wish there was smell a pic or something for computers because this is the most beautiful smell in the world. When I visited Abbs last summer I bought a small little bottle of the ginger oil, since everywhere we went in Hawaii I could smell this beautiful flower. The smell always takes me back to my time there and the fun Abbs and I had. I can't believe she got me the Cosco economy size bottle, I should be good for a long time since this bottle is three times the size of the one I bought last summer, which I just ran out of.
Well, I hope you enjoyed my great B-Day gift. If all my B-Day gifts are this good than I hope all will be belated. Look at that dress, can you believe she made it! So talented!
Soon to come will be pics of the new place once I get it completely decorated (of course some of these pics are from my backyard and front) along with the news tomorrow of ultrasound and what we will be having. Will it be an Olivia or a Noah?? Can"t wait to see!