Monday, August 17, 2009

Belly Pics- Twenty-Two Weeks

Here I am! The belly has grown a lot since the last pics, have fun laughing at me :)
My Sister-In-Law, Carolynn was nice enough to take these pics. Thanks! The quality of the pics is astronomical compared to my Olympus :) Don't I just look so thrilled in this pic?!? It's just going to get bigger people, so hold on to your hats. Heee..heee...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A lovely visit!

This past week we have been blessed by a week long visit from my in-laws and sister in law, plus kids. My Mother In-Law is Lois Bush, Father In-Law Pat Bush, Sister-In-Law (aka Cha's little sis) Carolynn Woodall, beautiful ever growing Niece Callahan Woodall and bran spanking new Nephew and cutie pie Evans Woodall.
Can you see the family resemblance as Cha takes a little quality time with Evans on our back porch. He is so funny, with the faces he makes, but he is a GREAT baby, sleeping all the time with no regards to all the stimuli around him. I hope to be as lucky!
She loves her blankie!
We sure do!
This is some pics of Port Townsend, a day trip we took for lunch and some shopping that we could fit in between rain storms :). Gotta love the Pacific Northwest!
I thought I would get a quick click of the woman behind the awesome blog pics. She sure does have a great eye and camera to boot! Love ya and your blog!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Finally You Get to See Spikette!

Here she/he is! The Ultrasound tech was unable to determine the sex of our baby as our shy little one was playing coy. With no obvious boy parts visible, the tech gave us a 70% chance that it is a girl. Spikette, a nickname Cha has given the baby has always been a little shy, as our Doctor once said when trying to find the heart beat.
Here is a foot! Anyway we might get a 4-D later to see for sure, but no decision has been made yet, I am just happy she/he is healthy and happy!!
Enjoy the photos as much as we have.