I loved all my gifts and more importantly I loved seeing everyone! Thank you all for coming and making my day so special. I especially want to thank my Mother in law, Father in law, sister in law, with kids in toe for coming out all the way from Alabama to be there for me. It was great to see all of you again and I can't get enough of my niece and nephew. Sorry there are no pics of you all because most of these were taken before the event ;(
I also want to thank Diane Toedter for helping to set up and making all the yummy white chocolate baby lollipops, they were delicious and I know my niece Callahan loved them just as much as I did. Most of all, I want to thank my mom for putting on the event, it was beautifully perfect day because of you.
My sister and I. In my dress I look naked here ;). Man have I been in the Pacific Northwest too long, do I need a tan!
My sister in law to be Erica and I in our tea hats before the event.
My food, a yummy veggie quiche with lots of cheese on top. Yummy! Plus all the fruit, which is my biggest craving right now!
Some of the ladies!
Diane and I, one of my favorite pics!
Oh, sweet Sally and I!
A little test taste before the real thing :))
The baby actually kicked my Sissy's hand!
Erica, Alicia, Sharon, and I in front of the tea house.
This is the only bike I can ride, a garden one!