Last week my parents came up from California to take Olivia and I to Whistler for a week long vacation. Our long time family friends the Wimmers also came out from Philadelphia to join us in Whistler. Charlie decided to stay home and look after the dogs.

The night before we left we made some homemade pizzas and Olivia decided to join us at the table. She is becoming such a big girl!

Our first day in Whistler!

The ride up to Whistler after you leave Vancouver is extremely beautiful. The road hugs next to sheer rock faces while overlooking a beautiful strait with snow cap mountains in the background. Here is a pic of one of the sheer faces of a Snoquamish Mt. taken at a gas station. I guess there is 51 rock climbing passages up the rocky face.

Whistler Village and some ski runs on Blackcomb.

This is a view from our condo of the village. Each day on the weekend circus performers would perform various aerobatic and acrobatic tricks.

Everyone got a chance to take a nap with Olivia. As you can see Louise is sleeping like a baby :)

As Olivia's shirt say "Berry Cute"! I love the binky resting on my mom's arm, they always seem to work their way out of Olivia's mouth while she sleeps.

And of course I couldn't resist! This was right after a whole day of skiing. I was so happy that I got to ski the last week of the season. The snow was kind of slushy, but pretty good for the end of May. They ski the glacier all year long while the lower half of the mountain has been made into mountain biker courses. It was kind of strange to see skiers walking next to bikers in the village.

My parents and the Wimmers golfed at this beautiful course. Olivia and I stayed back in Whistler and took a run with the BOB to a lake.

This black bear was roaming around the gondola when I came down from skiing. The whole time we were there we had three bear sittings.

While I was skiing my parents took Olivia up the gondola and chair lift to check out the sites and snow. Supposedly she sleept most of the time.

I love these next couple of pics of my dad carrying Olivia in the baby bjorn. He seems such a natural at it. I can't even get Charlie to use it, I am impressed.

She loves her pop pop!

The gang about to go up the gondola.

On one of our last days my parents, Olivia and I hiked up to a waterfall.

The view from on top of the waterfall.

This is just one of many beautiful scenes in Canada. Can't wait to hopefully go back this winter to do some more skiing with my Brother and Sister-in-Law!