I apologize for the great absence on my blog. I have been having problems downloading pics using Safari and Firefox, but just recently it started working. Go figure!
So much has happened since this last blog and I hope to get to all of it as soon as possible.
Anyway, around the first week of June we had been planning as a family to go to a U2 concert, which was a post B-Day gift to my mom. Unfortunately as most of you know Bono the head singer had emergency back surgery and the US tour was canceled until next year. Even though it was canceled I still wanted to come down since we were going to throw Erica a surprise wedding shower at a restaurant in San Juan Capistrano (pictured above and below). The shower was great and I was so glad Olivia and I could share the day with such wonderful ladies.
As you will see my trip to LA was anything but boring. I hope you can follow along with this post because it is jammed packed!

Erica's mom at the wedding shower loving on Olivia.

The bride to be!

Erica and my brother Chris just bought a townhouse and invited us over for a swim. Isn't she a cute duckie!

Olivia loves the water, so much that we can no longer bathe her in her baby bath tub. She likes a regular sized tub were she can splash around in.

Just dunked.

Right after her swim I took these close up pics. The light coming through the windows of Chris and Erica's house made for perfect pics . I just had to include all of them because she looks so pretty.

Another hard day of activities, so time to fall asleep on Uncle Chris.

As you are about to see I have tons of pics of Olivia with her Pop Pop. He calls her his little princess and absolutely loves her to pieces. It is really sweet to see my Dad, a grown man turn into goo over his granddaughter.

Grandpa and Olivia's favorite past time.

Just hanging out!

My parents wanted to see if Olivia would eat some cereal. I tried around four months old and she didn't seem interested in the least, but since she was about to turn six months I thought we could try it again. To my surprise she ate some, while making the cutest faces of course. Since that visit she has moved on to eating pureed fruits and vegetables, and I haven't found one thing she doesn't like.

One morning I came upstairs and found Olivia sleeping on the couch like a big girl. I about had a heart attack and told my Dad not to do this since she could fall off. Whenever I lecture him on her safety he just looks at me like I am a crazy mom. Why do I have a feeling this is how I was raised? :))

Since we were in SoCal Olivia had to of course get a new bathing suit from my favorite children's store Janie & Jack.

When our visit was almost up, Olivia and I were given the opportunity to extend our stay and attend my Cousin Elizabeth's wedding in San Francisco. I haven't seen my extended family for many years! It was so great to see them all and introduce them to Olivia for the first time. The above pic is breakfast at the bistro in our San Francisco hotel.

Can you tell she likes the hotel life.

Elizabeth and Damien's wedding at UC Berkley Botanical Gardens. My Uncle Tom gave his only daughter away. Elizabeth's beautiful bouquet was made entirely out of orchids.

Olivia's first wedding and she was a good girl as always.

The ceremony was held in a beautiful grove of redwoods.

My cousin Steven and his wife doting over Olivia. They don't have kids yet and since they held her they will now!

So sweet!

Olivia grabbing for the camera.

Olivia and Gramie.

Steven giving Chris a high five for catching the garter.

Olivia relaxing after the wedding doing her imitation of Napoleon.

Yay, we had a great time and a packed fill trip to CA. Now it is time to go home to Daddy.
After our flight back home I had to put on the baby harness, but to do so takes two hands. I have become very creative in traveling alone with Olivia and finding ways to achieve the tasks at hand.
As you can see she had no problem being wedged between my purse and backpack. She almost seems comfortable. In any case we had a great time and can't wait to come back for Chris and Erica's wedding in October!