I can't believe it! My baby girl is one years old! Where did the time go? When I look at this picture it seems just like yesterday she was our little sweat pea with dark hair and eyes. Constantly making funny faces, one of which the cooing face, my favorite.

But now my baby has grown into beautiful little 1 year old girl. Sitting up on her own, crawling around, chewing her fingers as numerous teeth come in. Melting every one's hearts with her baby blue eyes and strawberry-blonde hair. I couldn't love anyone or anything more than this sweet baby girl we call punky.

Charlie sitting in Olivia's new Pottery Barn kids seat that Nina gave her for her B-Day. They are relaxing before all the guests arrive for her 1st B-Day party. I love how Charlie fits in a kids seat.

Maggie Garcia's little girl Page and my niece Callahan seemed to really like each other. I thought it was cute how they escaped the party to go outside to hang out. I guess when you find another three year old girl who talks your language, it is pretty neat.

Nina (mother-in-law) and my sister-in-law Carolynn hanging by the spread.

The party in full swing.

Nina did a great job decorating the table!

Carolynn and I made the cupcakes and smash cake. The fondant toppers I purchased from Etsy.com. Although Carolynn ended up doing majority of the prep work with the food since I was literally in my pj's icing cup cakes 20 minutes before the party. It didn't seem like there was a lot to do, but I definitely misjudged. Kids parties are stressful!

Smash cake!

Pink tutu and on point= Ballerina in the making! But does she really have a choice? :)

Carolynn and I tried to get a pic with Olivia and my nephew Evans amongst the craziness.

The owl pinata had ribbon attached, which the kids pulled one at a time and only one ribbon dropped the candy. We tried to have the kids form a line so each kid had a chance to pull a ribbon, that was easier said than done.

I love Rachel's boy Alden, his face says it all as he walks away with a ton of candy.

The pinata all pretty before it was destroyed by the kids.

The pinata dropping a ton of candy.

I love this pic of Paige and Callahan shoveling candy into their bags as Milo searches for stray pieces. The dogs were likes sharks swimming around bait.

Pretty impossible to take a pic with a one year old when yummy candy is on the floor.

Callahan trying to squeeze in some healthy carrots before feasting on candy and cupcakes.

Olivia is mesmerized by everyone singing happy B-Day to her. Love how Sunny is watching the cakes every move, she has learned that what ever baby gets on her tray she may get on the floor.

At the end of singing Happy B-Day, everyone started cheering and the kids started screaming, making miss O very upset. She hates loud noises. Love how Paige was concerned.

I quickly gave her some icing to distract her from all the noise.

Amazing! Icing makes everything better.

I couldn't remove the topper fast enough. It looks like she was helping, but more like trying to take it.

"Ummmmm..... I am in chocolate bliss"!

"Can I rub my whole body in this stuff"? "Well I guess I will start with my face". "Mmmm.....".
I tried to feed her some cake, because she didn't seem aware of anything but the icing.

Yes, I can confirm we have reached a chocolate coma state.


I keep thinking I should stop her from eating anymore because she is going to get sick, but it was too funny watching her eat her cake that I let her go a little too long. The rest of the night she was spitting up chocolate goo.

We call this the sad clown face. Poor baby.

Smash cake is definitely smashed.

Now time for the presents! Thanks everyone for coming to celebrate Olivia's First Birthday!