Tuesday, March 18, 2014

20 Week Ultrasound, half way there!

Here is our baby boy at 20 weeks old!  Today was my 45 minute ultrasound where they measure all the organs, bones, and check my cervix to see if I am at risk of preterm labor.  Everything looks great, developing normally, and with no abnormalities.  He weighs 14 oz, which is little less than 1lb.  The High Risk OB said he is right on track and is very happy with what he sees.  He is also a mover just like his sister was when she was in utero.  My first ultrasound with O, the technician said she was literally dancing in my uterus.  Even though our boy was active, he seemed much more cooperative with this technician, allowing her to get all the needed measurements.  He is also in correctly facing head down.  Miss O was literally doing the middle splits on my pelvic bone the entire pregnancy, making it hard to determine her gender and causing me to have a C-section.  The tech had no problem confirming his gender, he is not shy at all.  Most of the ultrasound he had his feet crossed at the ankle and liked to move his hands around a lot, making many hand gestures.  It was truly amazing to watch, I was transfixed and in awe of our beautiful baby boy.

My cervix looks normal, so I am not at risk of preterm labor. Overall, we are blessed with a healthy baby and so far a complication-free pregnancy.  I have one more visit with my High Risk OB at 32 weeks and if everything continues to look good that should be my last visit.
Here are some more pics of our boy with all of his fabulous hand gestures, I couldn't be more in love!

Feet crossed at the ankles and one hand.

His hand is either making a hang loose sign or rock on sign.

Pointing, something Daddy does a lot and inherited from his Daddy.

Bottom of his feet and above the underside of his hands.


  1. Hope you are doing well Ashley! Congrats on the new addition. It has been fun reading your blog! - Laura Rush (from FHS)

  2. Thank you Laura! Doing well, just wish for warmer weather. This winter on the East Coast has been terrible, missing Cali! Hope you are doing good too!
